Thursday, May 5


he's doing his the knock-me-off stares again
looking at him, i felt so crazy...smiling on my own [haha!] <3

meet my husband, "Ahia"...

he tagged me this image through facebook on February 14. this served as his gift to me for valentine's day since, as i'd mentioned in my earlier post, he's working in Cebu. it's an island just a 30-minute airplane ride from where we live--not so far but we can't afford the espenses yet.

oh well...ahia is the sweetest! he really knows how to make me 'kilig'! we've been married for over two years now but i still feel the desire to be with him. it was not an easy decision for us to get married and our relationship wasn't easy either.

we met in college, became friends, then eventually to lovers. my parents are against it. too ahuh! you got it right! it was a secret relationship which everybody knew except my parents [stupid! i admit]. it's just that i'm really having a good time when i'm with him...we laugh together, share thoughts with each other and everything that goes with it...i actually don't think i am sooo young to have felt this. haha!

after college, i took and passed the licensure exam while continue on with his studies...THEN, everything changed. [guess you already predict what happened] by the end of 2008, i discovered that i am pregnant!!! everything shuttered! everybody was disappointed! i thought my future was doom...then, came he, my ahia, my confidante. he stood up for me.

we got married on March the following year while i was on my 1st to 2nd trimester. he was there throughout my pregnancy, even during my labor and my delivery. oh yes! he's my hero! :*

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Eli's first photo captured by his very own Dada
Tadaaaa! Our little smiley creature, Eli!!!! haha!

and ahia was all left out. bleeeeh...all attention were on this tiny angel with invisible wings!

you see, this was taken by ahia inside the delivery room right after i gave birth. Eli was on the dressing table about to be cleaned and clothed and 'click'! there goes the proud dad [i was still on the delivery table by this moment] i call this: "fresh from my womb". WOOOOOOW!! To see such heaven-sent before my eyes was like i'm in heaven myself! i was full of emotion, the pain from delivery, the anxiety of how motherhood will change me, and among all, the best feeling ever!! the realization that i was chosen to bring forth this blessing to the world...yey! i'm a mommy! and i proud to say it that way!


and, I AM happy! sooooooo happy for having this once-in-my-dream family become reality...LOVE YOU BOTH! :*

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