Wednesday, May 4

i can't wait!

to see him smile is priceless c:

how do you like it? or do you love it? heheh

this is what we named our son. yaaaah! after the legendary Prophet Elijah and Seth [we prefer X than S for distinction], the son of Adam and Eve whom Jesus' ancestry rooted. so it's quite biblical. we call him 'Eli' for short.

oh! he's the cutest, the most lovable babies of all. he has attractive little dimples on both cheeks that added to his charm. his eyes, wow! so expressive! and when he hugs me and giggles with me, it's irreplaceable. [sorry if i may be exaggerating but who's to blame, i'm his mommy...LOL]

he is a year and 9 months now and he's been talking and imagining things a lot lately.
just like last night when her tita asked him, "Eli, where have you been today?"
he answered, "Ce-bu" and were like huh? because he's never been to Cebu, where his Dada work.
 then, the other day he said, "Wakwak pakog lizzard" [monsters bumped unto lizzard's temple].

Haha! I really can't wait 'til grows up! :D

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